Exercise to lose weight in the abdomen, waist and sides.

group exercise in the gym to lose weight

It is the stomach that is the problem area for most people. First of all, fat deposits begin to accumulate in this area, spoiling the entire appearance. You can fix this problem with the help of physical exercises. To get rid of the hips and excess fat in the waist area, a gym exercise has been created specifically for the abdomen.

General recommendations

This gymnastics exercise is a collection of simple exercises that anyone who wants to lose weight can do. In addition to removing unnecessary fat, these exercises also work to train abs and back muscles, strengthening them. The skin on the abdomen and sides are firmed, improving the overall appearance.

Exercise to lose weight in the abdominal area is an effective way for you to reshape your waist area (remove the abdomen and sides). But remember that to get the results you want, you need to practice continuously. Workouts should be done 3-4 times a week, for at least 40 minutes. Then you can see the first results 3-4 weeks after starting training.

The complex involves all the major muscle groups of the press. It includes the upper and lower muscles, the oblique muscles, and the transverse muscles. This allows you to remove fat from the sides and waist. In addition, the muscles of the back, buttocks, thighs are also strengthened. It should be noted that for more effective results, you need to switch to a proper diet.

It is not necessary to diet, but to lose weight, it is necessary to remove fatty foods from the menu. Attention should be paid to natural ingredients, mainly vegetables, fruits, dairy products. In addition, when performing physical activities, you should drink enough water (about two liters per day) to maintain the water balance in the body.

Training Rules

In order for the gym to lose weight in the abdominal area more effectively, you need to pay attention to some nuances. They will help you avoid muscle injury and get more benefits from your workout:

It's important to know!

  • You should stop eating about 1. 5-2 hours before exercise and about 30 minutes after. In addition, during the performance of the exercises, it is not recommended to drink.
  • If an exercise seems too difficult for you, don't try to do it anyway. You're better off focusing on doing the movements correctly. Gradually, the muscles will receive the necessary load and you will achieve the desired results.
  • It is better to perform on a special mat to prevent joint injuries.
  • It is better to choose cotton clothes for exercise, as it allows good ventilation without affecting its free circulation. Natural fabrics have a positive effect on the skin without causing irritation.
  • During exercise, you need to breathe properly. Breathing rate should be deep, measured. Exercises should be performed in a rhythmic manner, without haste.
  • Before you start working out, you need to warm up. It is necessary for the muscles to warm up and prepare for the main exercise. If you skip the warm-up, you run the risk of stretching the muscle tissue.

Warm-ups consist of simple movements that people have done as children in gym classes. These are movements of the head and pelvis, rotation of the arms and legs, and squats. Following the sequence, begin massaging the neck, arms, lower back, and legs.

A very effective weight loss exercise for the abdomen and hips is the waist rotation. Combine it with a series of exercises, and you'll get rid of body fat faster.

You can also participate in warm-up exercises, running in place, jumping rope. Booting will take 10 minutes. Then proceed to perform the main exercises of the combination.


The abdominal weight loss gym equipment is designed in the direction of exercising the rectus, transverse and oblique muscles of the abdomen. As a result, you can quickly remove the sides and waist skin cells, and at the same time tighten and elastic skin.


This simple exercise helps to burn belly fat. Lie on your back on the mat. Place your hands along your body, palms down. Raise both legs so they form a right angle to the body. Bring your leg back slowly, without throwing it hard on the floor.

An increase must occur on inhalation, lowering with exhalation. In the kneecap, the leg cannot be bent. If you can't get your legs straight to the correct point, do what you can, but they should be straight.

plank exercises

Very effective for press. It normalizes the stomach and sides, allowing you to get rid of excess fat. Lie face down on the mat. Then lift your torso, resting it on your toes and elbows. At the same time, make sure that the body is not bent anywhere.

This is especially true for the pelvis. Pull your belly in as much as possible. The torso should be parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for about a minute (or as long as you can).

Pelvic lift

Lie on your back on the mat. Bend your legs and place them close to your buttocks with a distance of about 30-40 cm, grabbing your ankles with your palms. Raise your pelvis as high as you can.

Hold this position for a few seconds. Return your body slowly, without dropping your lower back to the floor.

Crispy side sound

A very good exercise to remove the sides. Same with starting position. Place your feet, slightly bent at the knees, on the mat. Hands behind the head. As you lift your torso, touch your left elbow to your right kneecap.

Slowly return to the starting position. Then with the right elbow touch the left knee.

Hull Lift

Lay up. Bend your legs slightly and place them on your feet at some distance from the buttocks. The distance between the feet is 30-40 cm. Place your hand behind your head or hold it in front of your face to lock.

Raise your body so that it forms a right angle to the floor. Lower your torso back gently without falling to the floor.

Exercises for the upper part of journalism. Same with starting position. Bend your knees and lift until your shins are parallel to the floor. In this case, the hips will form a right angle to the body. Put your hands behind your head.

Perform the upper body lift but do not use the entire back but only up to the shoulder blades. At the same time, when performing the opposite movement, do not lower your head to the floor. As such, you will get small movements with small amplitudes.


This exercise is also effective for getting rid of fat deposits on the sides. While in the same position (lying on your back on the mat), raise both legs until they form a right angle to the floor. Perform a torso lift while touching the palm of your right hand to your left ankle. Slowly return to the starting position. Now do the same with the other hand.

Lifting the pelvis is difficult. These moves also allow you to get rid of the sides and folds of your belly. Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet near your pelvis. Lift your left leg and place its foot on your right knee. Hands behind the head.

Do a pelvic lift, trying to bring it up as high as you can. Then switch legs.

exercise scissors

When lying on your back on the mat, straighten both legs. Put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs about 20cm off the floor and start doing a cross-body twist with both feet. However, they must be straight.

Through each leg movement, alternate: first right on top, then left. Finally, slowly lower your legs to the floor.

All exercises should be performed 10-15 times, performing 3 sets throughout the workout. Between sets, you need to rest for 1-2 minutes, then do a new set. If you're a beginner and it's hard to do with this amount, try taking an approach, doing each exercise 8-10 times.

Remember that the next day after training, the muscles will be sore. Especially the sides and abdominal muscles will be sore. This is a normal response of the body. After a few days the pain is gone. For this reason, it is impossible to quit training. You have to let your body get used to the stress.

Do not immediately try to perform maximum exercises, this can adversely affect your health. Start with a small load, increase it gradually.

During the exercise, you will feel a little tired. If you notice your muscles are overworked, stop exercising and rest.

The combination of exercise and proper nutrition provides the most effective results against extra pounds. Also, don't forget that you need to exercise on a regular basis. By following all the recommendations and doing it consistently, you can quickly tone your abdomen and sides.